What is the difference between win and won ? win vs won

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win won won

win won won  win verb irregular vt vi Infinitive win Present tense 3rd person singular wins Preterite won Present participle winning Past participle won “Won” is the past tense and past participle form of “win ” Proper use of “won” indicates past events or actions involving victory

How to say win won won in English? Pronunciation of win won won with 2 audio pronunciations and more for win won won  Imagine if he wins if you're referring to a specific game or competition in the future Imagine if he had won if you're referring to a specific game or

Synonym for Win @Olaamin yeah of course, but you will have to add the word will before the verb to make it a future action  Win adalah kata kerja bentuk pertamapresent , sedangkan Won adalah kata kerja bentuk keduapast dan ketigaperfect (verb 2 & verb

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