mycap ccx mycap ccx Найти и заказать Фильтрующая колба Mycap® CCX от Sartorius AG в онлайн-каталоге импортного промышленного оборудования с доставкой Гарантия
mycap ccx MYCAP® CCX advances Cell Expansion operations by eliminating the need to perform operations under a laminar flow hood and at the same time
mycap ccx MYCAP® CCX cap includes the specialized gas exchange cartridge to support MYCAP® CCX on 250mL Corning Erlenmeyer Flask; 3 x 18”x14” C-Flex® 3 197
mycap ccx MYCAP® CCX combines tubing for aseptic fluid transfer and a specialized gas exchange cartridge for cell growth in the same closure The cell expansion process
Add to wish listmycap ccxmycap ccx ✅ Mycap Bottle Closures Aseptic Fluid Transfer System mycap ccx,Найти и заказать Фильтрующая колба Mycap® CCX от Sartorius AG в онлайн-каталоге импортного промышленного оборудования с доставкой Гарантия&emspMYCAP® CCX combines integral tubing and a specially-designed gas exchange cartridge in the same cap closure Grow cells in the incubator and passage between